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Archive for the ‘R.I.P.’ Category

R.I.P. – Tony Snow

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I just wanted to briefly send out my condolences to the friends and family of Tony Snow. He was an amazing man, and I had a profound respect for him.

His intelligence and his dignity went a long way towards calming the otherwise stormy political seas. He will be missed.

Feel free to observe his masterful handling of the press in the following video. He was a much needed voice of the White House during a time when communication was arguably the administration’s biggest weakness.

Written by b3njamin

July 12, 2008 at 2:08 pm

Posted in Politik, R.I.P.

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Just thought I’d post a note and share some sad news. Irv Rencher, a family friend and my old scoutmaster, passed away this afternoon. He’d been sick for quite a while, and even though it’s good to know that he’s in a better place and free of pain, I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around the whole thing. He was a great leader and a role model for me when I was younger, and influences my integrity and sense of right/wrong to this day. He pushed me to be a leader, he dogged me until I got my Eagle, and he gave me a sense of what people expected of me in this life.

Really, though, what can you say at a time like this? Nothing seems to fully and appropriately say what I’m feeling. I guess that if I cold have one last conversation, I’d just like to thank him for everything. I’d like to tell him that I’ve always looked up to him. I’m sure I always will.

Written by krr

March 26, 2008 at 7:09 pm

Posted in R.I.P.